Saturday, May 22, 2010


I am only analyzing when he starts with "The Resolution"

What are the consequences of all out war against Germany on England?

Claim: All out war against Germany is necessary for England.

Reason: because without all out war against Germany, England will be conquered.

IA: whatever causes England to be conquered is also necessary for England

Audience: Winston Churchill is addressing the House of Common’s as the Prime Minister for the first time. The audience knows about the Hitler and Germany and is hesitant to enter the war.

Goal: To get the House of Commons to wage war against Germany at all costs.


Pathos: this is a very emotional speech. Churchill is offering all that he has. He is offering his blood, toil, tears, and sweat to fight this country. He is not going into the natural ceremony that an occasion as a new prime minister usually means. He is jumping right into action which is startlingly to the House of Commons at least. By using short and powerful words such as “Victory!” it makes the urgency even more apparent. I am sure he paused for emphasis at these points just to show how passionate he was about winning.

Typical: The speech is saying that if England does not fight, it will be conquered. He says that England has never stood for letting someone conquer the whole country. It will never stand for it either. The whole British Empire has never allowed it and Churchill says that it still should never allow it.


This is a very effective speech to the audience. He shows he is urgent by ignoring ceremony, and having this as his first address to the House of Commons. He uses short words to mix up his long sentences and add emphasis. He proves that there is not other way option for England than to enter the war if England is to remain unchanged.

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