Saturday, May 15, 2010

Enthymeme: What are the consequences of watching The Last Airbender on seeing great graphics?

Claim: Watching The Last Airbender will let you see great graphics.

Reason: Because The Last Airbender is a movie about an elite group of people with special powers.

IA: Whatever lets you see a movie about an elite group of people will also let you see great graphics.

Audience: The audience is mostly boys from middle school to college age. Appeals to boys who also like action movies and war scenes.

Goal: Get the audience to want to see the movie.


Pathos: appeals to excitement of battle and love. All the shots of girls are when the girls look pretty or are fighting. The two girls shown are beautiful and there is also a kissing scene. The music is fast and has a rhythmic pace meant to symbolize battle, beat of drums, and marching feet. The fire shots in the dark also make the fire shots more exciting because it makes you feel like you could get burned so your adrenaline starts pumping.

Sufficient: There is just enough information for the audience. The plot is hardly revealed. All that the audience knows is that the Fire Nation is attacking and only one person can stop them. There are lots of scenes of controlling the elements which is what is most unique part of this movie and the most likely factor to get the audience to come see the movie. The audience does not care for plot as much as it cares for the graphics.

Effective: Even though there is not very much information, this add is effective for the target audience. This audience only cares about graphics and fight scenes. The visuals and slow motion effects really bring out how well they thought out the fight scenes. Leaving out plot information is smart with this audience since they don’t really care about plot so much as action.

Word count:322

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