Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Advertisment Analysis

Enthymeme: What are the consequences of wearing Revlon's lipstick on being like Jessica Alba?

Claim: Wearing Revlon's lipstick will help you be like Jessica Alba
Reason: Because wearing Revlon's Lipstick will make you romantic and attractive.
Implicit Argument: Whatever makes you look romantic and attractive also lets you be like Jessica Alba.

Audience: This ad was in People magazine. It appeals to the trendy girls around the general age of High School to College. These girls will know who Jessica Alba is because these girls are always looking at the latest fashion in the magazine. These girls are insecure because they depend on others telling them what is trendy to get their fashion and the latest romantic tips.

Goal: To get girls to “find their shade” at the website, and eventually buy the product.

How: The advertisers appeal to the audience through ethos, pathos and being typical.
Ethos: There is ethos appeal because Jessica Alba, known by the audience as consistently rated in the top #10 sexiest women, is the person selling the product.
Pathos: Pathos works because to the colors. Black, red and silver are high class colors that give off a feeling of romance and elegance. Just by the colors audience is drawn in and reminded of high class society and romance.

Typical: This ad has a variety of different colors to choose from at the bottom. It tells what shade Jessica is wearing and then says to “find your shade”. This makes it so that even if you do not look good in the color that Jessica has, you can find the shade that exactly matches you. This part should be bigger since it is the main goal to get them to find their shade.

Effective: This ad is effective because it shows a known beautiful star who has a romantic history (known by the audience) so they will stop to look at this large photo and want to be like her. I think that using the colors to show the class and elegance she is trying to convey is also a huge factor in making the ad effective.

Word count: 345

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