Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Analysis #4

Enthymeme: WATCO Facebook on getting into a serious relationship?
Claim: Facebook has a negative impact on the chances of getting into a serious relationship.(hampers instead of negative impact)
Reason: Because chatting on Facebook decreases one-on-one communication skills.
IA: whatever decreases one-on-one communication skills also negatively impacts an individual’s chances of getting into a serious relationship.

Audience: Single BYU boys who have an extreme addiction to Facebook.

Goal: Get the boys to use Facebook chat less or not at all.

Ethos: Sources are used illustrating communication as more than the words we say. For this source, the credentials were missing, which would be good information to have especially for college age students who want to know who wrote it. There is also an apostle quote which helps to reaffirm the “one-on-one” concept but the evidence surrounding it could be better used.

Typical: In an attempt to make an argument irrefutable, the argument simply became too critical. There were no concessions. It seemed like the point was that no matter what, Facebook chat was bad. This also did not work because a lot of BYU students have Facebook . This argument was not very typical.

Effective: The argument as a whole was a mediocre persuasive piece. The smaller counterarguments were addressed while the larger ones where left unattested. More time has to be spent giving concessions, but not so much that the stance is lost. There should also be an attempt to not always refer to the most dire situations. Comparing “being like everyone else” and divorce was quite the stretch to get the point across. Reading it through like I was the audience will most likely help me to realize the holes that are left.

Essay 1(in case it is suppose to be compared)

I already started modifying it

Facebook “Friends”

Here at BYU there is a special challenge added to dating. Dating is not just to find someone you want to marry, but someone you want to spend the rest of eternity with. With a student body in excess of 30,000 it can be daunting to try and meet girls. Facebook can be a great place to strengthen whatever relationship you may have with a girl: you can chat, exchange pictures, and you can leave messages on her wall. Facebook can also be a means of ruining your relationship because you might not spend enough time together. What impact does Facebook use have on getting into serious relationships?

Defining a relationship is a touchy subject. Each relationship is different and in different stages. A serious relationship is a relationship that could potentially lead to marriage, because both members of the relationship are interested. This does not include random hookups or flings. Serious relationships take time and communication to work properly.

To get into a serious dating relationship, it is necessary to go on dates. Facebook is a convenient way to talk with those people you have a crush on. It is virtually effortless to ask someone on a date over chatting and this process eliminates being frightened of calling the girl and saying something dumb. It is also cheaper than using up your cell phone bill. However, there is a negative signal sent to your crush by not taking the time or effort to make a phone call. Many girls in my own freshman hall said that they would not accept a date over Facebook. By asking to go on a date or hang out over Facebook it is essentially telling that person they were not worth the three minutes it would take to make the phone call. Not using Facebook to ask girls on dates is a great way to start a dating process that could lead to a relationship.

Relationships should be built around communication. In a study by Albert Mehrabian, professor emeritus of Phycology from UCLA, found results showing that 55% of communication is body language, 33% is tone of voice and only 7% is the spoken word. When using online communication that is solely based on written communication,or 7% of communication, it is easy to be misled (Mehrabian). Words typed as a joke can be taken critically. Problems and misunderstandings arise where nothing harmful was intended. Facebook interaction only allows words to be transmitted over the screen, not facial expressions, or your inflections even though the emoticons have done wonders for expression of tone. Readers of quick chat remarks are not going to be able to understand the full message and import of what you are trying to say. If you are able to get online at the same time as a person you have a significant interest in, chatting by sending words over the web is not going to further the relationship. When compared to personal, face to face communication where you can see their face and understand their emotions, Facebook does not help you get to know the person as well.

It is tempting to use Facebook when so many others do. You do not have to quit Facebook entirely. It is incredibly convenient for adding pictures, notifying of events and asking masses people advice on certain subjects. However, try to limit the amount of time you spend on chat. All the other functions of Facebook are great when used in moderation. Chat is no different. It is good occasionally but try not to chat rather than talk.

Using Facebook affects not only social communication skills, but also alters your personality and temperament. Susan Greenfield, a neuroscientist, has found that using Facebook (Derbyshire) is correlated with people having shorter attention spans and self-centered users. Larry Alan Nadig, Marriage and Family Therapists said that half of communicating is expressing how you feel, and the other half is listening and understanding how others fell. He also said that when a person does not listen it makes it difficult to communicate. (Nadig 2008). By becoming more self centered and distracted by using Facebook, it will be harder to communicate properly. Listening and paying attention are very hard to do well while chatting online. There are just too many distractions to make this form of communicating effective despite its convenience. Chatting online is no replacement for actual conversation that can take place at any time. Visit the person; find an excuse to call them on the phone, anything. So many options are available to talk without having to resort to online chat. Learning how to listen is imperative to good relationships.

If you fear leaving Facebook because everyone you know is on Facebook, then call her up for a date or to hang out so that you will both be off Facebook. This takes away her opportunity to be talking with different boys. Do not make Facebook your greatest shared interest. Ask for her number if you need it. Then when you know she can talk, give her a call. Let her know you are interested by singling her out. Make lasting memories together. Dallin H Oaks said that,” Dating is pairing off to experience the kind of one-on-one association and temporary commitment that can lead to marriage in some rare and treasured cases (Dallin).” It is not possible to pair off over Facebook. At most Facebook can announce you are in a relationship, but certainly it should not function to get you in a relationship. If your relationship has been formed over Facebook, it shows that both of you do have commonality: Facebook. Learning how to talk, face to face can prove that you do have more in common than a computer application.

Facebook is an amazing application capable of bringing people together at BYU where it may be more difficult to do so otherwise. Although it can bring people together, it should not be the basis of forming a relationship. Relationships depend on communication to withstand arguments. Instead of only using online chat, spend more time with the girl to discover if she truly is the one that you would want to spend the rest of eternity with. Facebook, which is based of instant gratification and results, hardly produces the environment where lasting, meaningful relationships can be built to last for forever.

Saturday, May 22, 2010



I am only analyzing when he starts with "The Resolution"

What are the consequences of all out war against Germany on England?

Claim: All out war against Germany is necessary for England.

Reason: because without all out war against Germany, England will be conquered.

IA: whatever causes England to be conquered is also necessary for England

Audience: Winston Churchill is addressing the House of Common’s as the Prime Minister for the first time. The audience knows about the Hitler and Germany and is hesitant to enter the war.

Goal: To get the House of Commons to wage war against Germany at all costs.


Pathos: this is a very emotional speech. Churchill is offering all that he has. He is offering his blood, toil, tears, and sweat to fight this country. He is not going into the natural ceremony that an occasion as a new prime minister usually means. He is jumping right into action which is startlingly to the House of Commons at least. By using short and powerful words such as “Victory!” it makes the urgency even more apparent. I am sure he paused for emphasis at these points just to show how passionate he was about winning.

Typical: The speech is saying that if England does not fight, it will be conquered. He says that England has never stood for letting someone conquer the whole country. It will never stand for it either. The whole British Empire has never allowed it and Churchill says that it still should never allow it.


This is a very effective speech to the audience. He shows he is urgent by ignoring ceremony, and having this as his first address to the House of Commons. He uses short words to mix up his long sentences and add emphasis. He proves that there is not other way option for England than to enter the war if England is to remain unchanged.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Last Airbender - Trailer 3

Enthymeme: What are the consequences of watching The Last Airbender on seeing great graphics?

Claim: Watching The Last Airbender will let you see great graphics.

Reason: Because The Last Airbender is a movie about an elite group of people with special powers.

IA: Whatever lets you see a movie about an elite group of people will also let you see great graphics.

Audience: The audience is mostly boys from middle school to college age. Appeals to boys who also like action movies and war scenes.

Goal: Get the audience to want to see the movie.


Pathos: appeals to excitement of battle and love. All the shots of girls are when the girls look pretty or are fighting. The two girls shown are beautiful and there is also a kissing scene. The music is fast and has a rhythmic pace meant to symbolize battle, beat of drums, and marching feet. The fire shots in the dark also make the fire shots more exciting because it makes you feel like you could get burned so your adrenaline starts pumping.

Sufficient: There is just enough information for the audience. The plot is hardly revealed. All that the audience knows is that the Fire Nation is attacking and only one person can stop them. There are lots of scenes of controlling the elements which is what is most unique part of this movie and the most likely factor to get the audience to come see the movie. The audience does not care for plot as much as it cares for the graphics.

Effective: Even though there is not very much information, this add is effective for the target audience. This audience only cares about graphics and fight scenes. The visuals and slow motion effects really bring out how well they thought out the fight scenes. Leaving out plot information is smart with this audience since they don’t really care about plot so much as action.

Word count:322

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Advertisment Analysis

Enthymeme: What are the consequences of wearing Revlon's lipstick on being like Jessica Alba?

Claim: Wearing Revlon's lipstick will help you be like Jessica Alba
Reason: Because wearing Revlon's Lipstick will make you romantic and attractive.
Implicit Argument: Whatever makes you look romantic and attractive also lets you be like Jessica Alba.

Audience: This ad was in People magazine. It appeals to the trendy girls around the general age of High School to College. These girls will know who Jessica Alba is because these girls are always looking at the latest fashion in the magazine. These girls are insecure because they depend on others telling them what is trendy to get their fashion and the latest romantic tips.

Goal: To get girls to “find their shade” at the website, and eventually buy the product.

How: The advertisers appeal to the audience through ethos, pathos and being typical.
Ethos: There is ethos appeal because Jessica Alba, known by the audience as consistently rated in the top #10 sexiest women, is the person selling the product.
Pathos: Pathos works because to the colors. Black, red and silver are high class colors that give off a feeling of romance and elegance. Just by the colors audience is drawn in and reminded of high class society and romance.

Typical: This ad has a variety of different colors to choose from at the bottom. It tells what shade Jessica is wearing and then says to “find your shade”. This makes it so that even if you do not look good in the color that Jessica has, you can find the shade that exactly matches you. This part should be bigger since it is the main goal to get them to find their shade.

Effective: This ad is effective because it shows a known beautiful star who has a romantic history (known by the audience) so they will stop to look at this large photo and want to be like her. I think that using the colors to show the class and elegance she is trying to convey is also a huge factor in making the ad effective.

Word count: 345

Monday, May 3, 2010